WWU Science Labs

Biology lab tables and whiteboards

This pro­ject con­sisted of ren­o­vat­ing two ex­ist­ing Western Washington University sci­ence labs and con­vert­ing one ex­ist­ing sci­ence labs into an in­struc­tor’s of­fice, a shared of­fice room, and a re­search lab in the Bi­ol­ogy Build­ing. Spaces are orig­i­nal to the build­ing and had not been sig­nif­i­cantly up­graded since they were built.

shared office
new biology lab equipment

Sci­ence labs were ren­o­vated to pro­vide ADA sta­tions. In one lab, group pedestal sta­tions were low­ered to ac­com­mo­date seated stu­dents. In the other lab, one row of lab sta­tions at the front of the class­room was re­moved to pro­vide two ac­ces­si­ble sta­tions. Other work in­cludes up­grades to AV place­ment, re­fin­ish­ing of chalk boards to white boards, re­place­ment of light­ing and ceil­ing tile, and mod­i­fi­ca­tions to ex­ist­ing case­work.

shared lab offices

The new Re­search Lab has a new fume hood, sinks, case­work, and free­stand­ing, adapt­able re­search benches. The new of­fices have new fin­ishes and flex­i­ble work­sta­tions. All ex­ist­ing eye wash sta­tions were up­graded to meet cur­rent code. Con­nec­tions to ex­ist­ing in­fra­struc­ture and rout­ing of util­i­ties was the biggest chal­lenge in this pro­ject that was re­solved through cre­ative rout­ing.

science lab classroom renovation
Science lab renovation and upgraded equipment
shared office space renovation

Mid-Century Modern Master Plan


Friday Harbor Sunshine Alley