Bellingham Technical College Perry Center

Exterior view of renovated Perry Center

This pro­ject re­placed the build­ing at the What­com Creek hatch­ery, which was con­structed in 1947 as a waste­water treat­ment plant and con­verted to a hatch­ery in 1978. The fa­cil­ity is owned by the City of Belling­ham and is leased to Bellingham Technical Center for the Fish­eries and Tech­nol­ogy pro­gram. The for­mer hatch­ery build­ing was se­verely in­ad­e­quate in meet­ing the in­struc­tional needs of the BTC pro­gram and had se­ri­ous struc­tural and set­tle­ment prob­lems. As a re­sult, nec­es­sary im­prove­ments for the old fa­cil­ity were not fea­si­ble.

See down­load­able Pro­ject In­for­ma­tion in this pro­jec­t’s Case Study.

interior image of renovated center with large windows and red chairs

The new in­struc­tional build­ing in­cludes spe­cial­ized class­rooms, wet and dry lab­o­ra­to­ries, stu­dent equip­ment lock­ers, and in­ter­pre­tive hatch­ery dis­plays for pub­lic view­ing. The build­ing has been de­signed and con­structed to meet a minu­mum rat­ing of LEED Sil­ver.

exterior side view of newly renovated center at BTC
interior of hatchery aisle
student picking eggs at hatchery

“A core feature of working with HKP are their processes for working with all facets of the College community to insure that the buildings and spaces work comprehensively including function, maintenance and long term operation. BTC has been extremely satised with HKP’s work.”

Pa­tri­cia McK­e­own, Ed. D. For­mer Pres­i­dent
Belling­ham Tech­ni­cal Col­lege

exterior view of renovated center with pond

City of Arlington Design Standards


Lakedale Resort Yurts