Jamestown S’Kallam Housing Solutions Study Wins Another Award!

The Jamestown S’K­lal­lam Hous­ing So­lu­tions Study wins an­other award! On Oc­to­ber 6th, Gov. Jay In­slee and De­part­ment of Com­merce Di­rec­tor Lisa Brown re­cently an­nounced the 11 Smart Com­mu­ni­ties Award win­ners for 2020-21 HKP served as ar­chi­tec­tural de­sign con­sul­tant for the Hous­ing So­lu­tions Study, led by Beck­with Con­sult­ing Group, which fo­cused on hous­ing for work­force, el­ders, fam­i­lies, and tran­si­tional tribal mem­bers. So proud to be part of this won­der­ful en­deavor. Read the Press Re­lease here.


HKP Architects Receives NWW Awards


Lake Cavanaugh Home Featured in Bellingham Alive Magazine