HKP Completes Design Standards for Historic District in Arlington

HKP recently completed the Old Town Residential District (OTRD) Design Standards in collaboration with the City of Arlington’s Planning & Land Use Division.

The OTRD Design Standards serves as a tool to assist Property Owners, Developers, Contractors, and Architects in designing additions, renovations, and new construction that are compatible with the residential neighborhood. By using a combination of verbiage and detailed illustrations, the OTRD Design Standards articulate code requirements and recommendations for development within the District.

Folk Victorian, Western Ranch, Cape Code, American Foursquare, and Craftsman, the most prevalent design styles in the neighborhood, are described in terms of massing, roof slope, and detail to provide a holistic understanding of the attributes of each style and how they differ.

Permissible housing types – including the Missing Middle – are described in the document and illustrated in each of the housing styles to demonstrate how density in the District can be increased while also maintaining the historic character and design variety in the neighborhood.

The graphics used throughout the Old Town Residential District Standard will be incorporated in other sections of the City of Arlington Municipal Code to provide consistency in illustrations of the code.


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